Archive for September 2014

The height of an antenna depends on many factors:
Add these values to find the Antenna Height.

Distance between the sites: Earth curvature, the longer the link, the higher the antenna needs to be. (This relation is not proportional) See Table.

The Fresnel Zone: This is a electromagnetic phenomenon, where light or radio signals get diffracted or bent from solid objects near their path. See Table showing the 60% of Fresnel Zone Values (Accepted clearing on path). Add this to the Earth curvature height.

Objects in the path: At a frequency of 2.4 GHz, you need a clear line of sight (LOS). Tree tops will reflect or ground the signal. The theory is that the height of the tallest object in the path of the signal should be added to the Fresnel Zone and Earth Curvature clearance heights. In your case, you should have to check the height of the trees, hills, buildings or any object on the link path and add this to the measurement for the total of the tower height.

The above three conditions make up the Radio Line of Sight. See Table:

As mentioned before, this is theoretical data and there are many cases of customers with working links, with LOS (line of sight) just a few feet over the top of obstacles on their path. We just want to emphasize the need for clear line of sight. Make sure there are no trees in the way. We recommend that the height of the tower should be the minimum of the Earth Curvature plus Fresnel Zone clearance height, making sure that this height is at least 10 feet above the top of any obstructing object…before you start testing the link.

Bagi warga yang bertempat tinggal di wilayah area perkebunan teh Pagilaran Batang sudah tidak sesulit dulu lagi dalam mendapat koneksi internet tanpa batas atau tanpa kuota. Untuk berlangganan internet atau ingin mendirikan RTRWNET, segera hubungi PJK.

Sudah pindah di jl.Gebang Blok D No.4 Perum Pisma Seruni Asri Gamer Pekalongan. 
melayani di wilayah Gamer, Degayu, Setono dan sekitarnya.

hanya untuk 10 pelanggan.

Kami menerima instalasi jaringan CCTV kabel dan wireless.

Sudah pindah di jl.Gebang Blok D No.4 Perum Pisma Seruni Asri Gamer Pekalongan. 

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Jasa Setting Proxy High Perfomance

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Contact Person : Eka (082227594993)
Pin BB : 52595EA2

Jasa Pembuatan RT RW Net dan Warnet

Modal Hanya 5 JT-an..!!!


=>Radio Access Point TP-LINK

=>Antena OMNI


=>Kabel UTP 25 meter

=>CPU P3 Mikrotik 2nd, CPU Dual COre Proxy Server 2nd dan Tower 3 Pipa Galvanis


=>Lebih Murah dalam 1 paket komplit

=>RT/RW-Net Siap Pakai

=>PJK akan membantu promosi

Call/SMS = 085868788968
Pin BB :52595EA2

Sewa/Carter Mobil Dalam Kota / Luar Kota (Se-Jawa) + Sopir.
Hubungi: Eka HP: 085868788968 / 082227594993
Pin BB : 52595EA2
Jl. Akasia Raya No.5 Perumahan Kalisalak Batang
Jl. Trapesium 3 No.15 Perumahan Limas Indah Pekalongan


Hubungi :

Mobile Phone:085868788968
Pin BB:52595EA2

Putra Jaya Komputer
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Jl. Akasia Raya No.5 Perumahan
Kalisalak - Kauman Batang
Jawa Tengah - Indonesia
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